A lot of heat has been coming out of Washington DC and other states lately about the deficit. We need to cut spending is the mantra. So where do we cut from , a) everywhere as to be fair b)from the poor and middle class because they do not fund elections c) from the rich who got us into this economic turmoil and who are not suffering from it anymore. BBBBBBBB
Why would we stick it to the still suffering poor and middle class? The mantra on tv is because those damn unions. They are getting paid too much, they are taking advantage. Its bs.
Its bs because the first logical place to get money, in an economic crisis, is to see who caused the crisis, Wall Street, and the mortgage industry. Next lets see if any group has rebounded from the economic crisis, and once again we see Wall Street, hmm. Than I would look at those who dont pay any taxes, like the vast amounts of corporations.
Just to recap, we have one group who caused an economic meltdown, yet that same group recovered from the meltdown while most in the country have not, and we also have many corporations not paying their fair amount of taxes. We also spend more than we take in. So the answer to solve this should not be to take it out of the unions and middle class, by attacking pensions, social security, and medicare.
But attacking pensions, social security and medicare does fit in with 30 years worth of public policy to slowly whittle away the middle class, according to Dean Baker;
"And this upward redistribution (of wealth over the past 3 decades) was brought about by deliberate policy. We pursued a trade and high dollar policy that was intended to put downward pressure on the wages of manufacturing workers. The Federal Reserve Board deliberately kept unemployment higher than necessary in order to weaken workers bargaining power. We extended patent monopolies to allow drug companies to jack up prices, raking in hundreds of billions a year. And, we gave the Wall Street banks the benefit of "too big to fail" status so they can borrow with a government subsidy."
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