Monday, June 15, 2009

Iran day 3

All the tweets coming out of Iran are hard to keep up with. And the fact that twitter has decided tonight to shut down for mainanence might be the biggest bonehead move of the decade next to George Bush invading Iraq who did nothing to provoke the attack.

But the biggest news today beside the huge protests was the declaration by the Supreme Leader of the nation Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has final say on all election results, that he will have a government body review the election results for irregularities. This is a suprising change considering over the weekend the Supreme leader on two seperate occasions publicly congragulated Ahmadinejad on his victory. Yet its still unclear what this review will lead to since the Supreme Leader on numerous occasions throughout the presidential campaign has shown his preference for Ahmadinejad becoming the new president. The governement body to review the election results also has been directly or indirectly appointed by the Supreme Leader.

The losing candidate Mousavi showed up in the capitol for a large demonstration today, the first time he has been seen in public since Friday, News reports are suggesting the protests today saw anywhere from a few hundred thousand to a few million Iranians flooded the streets, stretching 5 miles long.

Reports are also coming out that those who attended Ahmadinejads victory speech yesturday were government workers who had no choice and were forcably bused in.

The protest during the day was peaceful. Police and security forces were seen standing by and watching. When the crowds began to chant they were overwelmed by voices quieting them.

Yet violence erupted again as day turned to night. Many have claimed that Lebanese Hezballah forces have been brought in to beat up protesters. This has been done in the past. Protesters surrounded and burned the central building of Iran's hardline Islamic Basij militiamen. Twitter reports gun shots and protesters clashing with police and smoke plumes all over Iran.

The protesters have also turned to their favorite tool to strike back at the government, technology, as hackers around the country have been attacking and crashing governement websites throughout the day.

One idea that is circulating as a possible solution to this crisis is some sort of power sharing agreement between the two factions.

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