Friday, January 4, 2008

InTeReStInG wEbSiTeS

At work i spend a lot of time searching the web for all kinds of crap, i love to learn about everything so i will post some interesting and cool sites i have found along my way.

My biggest hobbie is political news, i am a junkie, so here are my favorite liberal blogs-blog is another word for news that corporate media wont tell you for 6-9 months- lot of video clips from news, c-span, daily show, colbert site for middle east news, especially iraq, views you cannot find anywhere else. site goes a little more in depth about national politics and corruption in our nations capitol.
I am also a movie junkie, but i am still not sure if i go for the movie or the popcorn and fake butter; lists movies, you can find every movie your favorite actor is in, movies on the net you can watch, no download needed, and they have movies on their that are still in theatres, just be prepared to deal with popups,
spirituality and evolution; Open Center is an educational and cultural center offering programs intended to heal the body, nourish the soul and awaken the spirit.
health; a major idea in my life is evolution and efficiency, i dont always act on these ideas, but there is something powerfull about having this human body that we are given, work as efficiently as possible. of best websites i have found for holistic healing of the body, info, they claim a newsletter list of over 1 million, the biggest on the web, and they have been around ten years. they recieve hundreds of health articles a day and choose a few to post in a weekly news letter, amazing amazing stuff, i cant say enough . one of the top fitness trainers in the nation, amazing amazing idea, also cannot say enough, he rags on gyms, weight machines, gyms belts, and talks about things you might not think of when training, like sleep, food, balance, tansverse abdominal wall, has some amazing articles
http://http// = another top fitness trainer in this nation, he works with the best in every sport, his website offers articles, and free video of exorcises of the day, another functional trianer who will blow your mind with some of his cool exorcises.
http://http// this is the real personal trainers that built the bodies you saw and loved in the movie 300, and they have some pretty inspiring articles
http://http// = this is the famous julliard school in manhatten and they have free recitals all year around, this is something i have been meaning to go to , = this is a seattle tile company that does amazing work, check out their custom bathroom and waterfalls, they do amazing work.\ = an amazing kung fu academy in eastmeadow
http://http// = an amazing kung fu style
more to come...

1 comment:

melissa celeste navia said...

these websites and ideas are all perfect subject matter for the vigilant monkey... =)