-WHAT I LEARNED TODAY- thoughts that have been thorougly sifted, screaned, patted down, bc you never know when u might think something you should not have said
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Has the Revolution arrived?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Is it torture? Lets permanently keep the statue of liberties head dunked under water,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Modern History of Somalia
The savage Ethiopian-American invasion was "justified" under the usual rubric of "fighting terrorism." It was ostensibly intended to oust a broad coalition of Islamic groups which had given Somalia its first semblance of stability in many years. The results of this "counter-terrorism" operation were entirely predictable: it weakened or destroyed moderate forces, while radicalizing many Somalis and empowering the most extreme and violent groups, led by the al-Shabab faction. In the end, the Terror Warriors had to admit defeat; the hand-picked, American-backed interim government, which included former warlords in the pay of the CIA, collapsed -- and the leader of the ousted Islamic coalition government became the new president, with the West's reluctant blessing. The entire war had been for naught.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Somali Pirates
Basically its not as clean cut as the corporate news media lets on, but you knew that right?
When I hear the word pirate I think of those bad johnny depp movies. Huge ships, with gangs of criminals roaming around, causing trouble.
Allison points out this is far from the case in Somalia. That the case in Somalia, get this, might be a result of the western nations shitting on Somalia and forcing their hand.
I dont believe it. Could it be? The Western super powers taking advantage of a small third world nation? Yes its true.
In Iraq the people we liberated thought it was ok to kill our soldiers based on how our soldiers treated them after the liberation. The people we liberated in Afghanistan have turned on us after we killed so many innocent people with our unmanned drone planes. Osama and his whole movement attacked us on 9-11 because of the way we abuse the middle eastern world. Their might be a pattern here. Too many people hate us for our freedom. At what point do say maybe its not the entire world that has the problem maybe it is us?
Some people, we shall label them republicans, think these are necessary evils. "They want to kill us all shouldnt we defend ourselves?", they chant. Yes we should. But dropping bombs on entire villages to kill a hand full of terrorists might not be the best approach.
US government reports have determined that our war in Iraq has created more terrorists, yet so many people still refuse to look at themselves and their own countries habits in the mirror. Are we lazy, are we scared to face our skelatons?
What makes someone say look at impoverished, violent parts of the word and choose bombs as the solution over schools, war over job creation? It really does seem like we want the war, the violence, the hate, the retaliation.
Go read Naomi Kleins book right now, the shock doctrine. She argues the shock of violence, bombs, war, violence, poverty, lawlessness, chaos, leads to corporate profit. And Republicans love to talk up their stock portfolio.
So where were we, oh yea, Somali Pirates. So I just laid out a pattern of the whole world attacking us for some reason or another, and the US media still arguing its all of them that have lost it, not us, we had nothing do with it.
Allison Kilkenny goes deeper. Pointing out two issues that have crippled the lives of the Somali people, both resulting from the inability of the nation to form a stable government after 1991.
The first issue is overfishing of its seas by western nations, leaving few fish left for the native somali population.
The second is the dumping of nuclear waste in the waters(documented by the UN) which has been washing on shore and making many people sick. The dumping has occured, get this, to save money on disposal fees.
I know what your thinking, western corporations, hurting people to save a buck, thats sounds crazy. I know I know, I would find it hard to beleive too if i got my news only from corporate media.
Guess what the pirates have been asking for, money to clean up their waters. Sounds like something a crazed terrorist would want. And even though many experts agree that the somali pirates have never mistreated their captives, we chose to escalate the issue by killing some of them this week.
Am I saying kidnapping should be allowed and what the pirates did was ok, no way. Im am just saying their are many perspectives, and one powerfull is that we have a pattern of pissing people off and them biting us in the ass, than we bomb their neighborhood and they build an international terrorist network.
Also of interest, TPM is a news website who posts clips on you tube every day, corporate news roundup in 100 seconds. Check out the day after the killing of the pirates, and see how violent our corporate media appear.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Exxon Valdez 20 years later
Greg Palast, one of the top muckraking journalists of our time has a great, short peice on the exxon spill off the coast of Alaska, 20 years later.
Some major points:
- The cause of the spill was not the captain being drunk, the true reason was the captain was asleep, and the third mate was navigating without radar becaue exxon never fixed the broken sysem.
- Protocal was not followed that would have allowed the spill to be much less catastrophic.
- Just in case of a spill all vessels are required by law to have on a board a tool that goes in the water and circles the spill to contain it. This tool was not on the boat at the time of the spill.
- Greg palast built a very large case of fraud against exxon, with the help of native population. The natives backed off when exxon threatened to hold back the money it planned on giving the natives to help cleanup. And guess what? Exxon still refused to pay.
- The natives lost their source of food, the ocean. When land animals began to eat the poisened vegitaion around beach areas, they also died out. So exxon flew in canned seal to eat, even though the can's were labeled not fit for human concumption. Thats because they were food for zoo animals.
And when the ceo of the company retired, his retirement package was 400 million dollars.
Thanks exxon, thanks corporate world, thanks congress, thanks supreme court. How do i belong to the same species as these people. Do they love money that much. Without the earth supllying humans with air, food, shelter and water we would not be alive. Yet somehow people deem it ok to poison what gives them life.
Could it be the same thinking of smokers who choose to poison their own bodies? But most times the smoker does not hurt anyone else. In this case Exxon ruined the lives of entire communites. Communities that fished for their food for who knows how many hundreds of years, in the same body of water. People committed suicide in these communites. Many have become alcohalics in these communites.
Am I the weird one becaue this cuts through me? Am I the wierd one becuase i get exited when republicans talk about more oil drilling in the few remaining prestine national parks?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Pakistan drone strike figures
Of the 60 cross-border predator strikes carried out by the Afghanistan-based American drones in Pakistan between January 14, 2006 and April 8, 2009, only 10 were able to hit their actual targets, killing 14 wanted al-Qaeda leaders, besides perishing 687 innocent Pakistani civilians. The success percentage of the US predator strikes thus comes to not more than six per cent....
In just a few months in office, Obama has managed to raise the average kill rate achieved by Bush from 32 to 38 per month
So it took 687 dead Pakistani civilians for us to kill 14 al-Qaeda targets. At what point does are military deem the risk too large. 1000 civilians per target, 10,000 civilians per target? Would our military ever believe the cost is too high?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Phage Therapy
The phages virus is the most abundant naturally occurring organisms on earth. They can be found virtually everywhere-in soil, drinking water, sewage and in our bodies. As living organisms, phages are constantly changing and adapting in tandem with their host bacteria to kill them more effectively. Phage therapy could therefore eliminate the vicious cycle in which bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics, necessitating the development of new, even more powerful drugs, at which point the process begins all over again.
The article goes to Georgia in Eastern Europe and talks about the Institute of Bacteriophage, Microbiology, and Virology, where Phages as a medicine is trusted like aspirin. Since the founding of the facility they have successfully treated millions of patients and have had over 100 research abstracts at international conferences attesting to its clinical value.
Each prescription produced at the facility was custom made for each patient.
Phages are species-specific—-different strains attack different bacteria. Since some wounds can harbor hundreds of different types of bacteria, physicians there first culture a tissue sample of the infection to determine its precise bacterial composition. The next step is to brew a custom cocktail of sometimes hundreds of phages selected from the institute's vast library of thousands. This whole process can take up to four days. The treatment—often administered through an IV bag that drips phage liquid directly into patients' wounds for 24 hours a day—can last up to two weeks.
The problem in the states now is strict, expensive fda standard for drug approval. And since each prescription is tailor made of hundreds of different species of the phage bacteria, out of thousands of strains, it would be extremely costly and almost impossible to have the hundreds of thousands of different combinations of prescriptions approved.
The other thing the FDA is worried about is that the virus is living and is constantly changing and evolving. This leaves the FDA with a big unknown of what could happen.
But the odd thing is that today in the US the phage virus has been approved for use, just not for humans as a drug. It has been approved for deli meats. You read that correctly. The article points out that Phage therapy is used on deli meats to keep them safe from bacterial contamination. The difference is merely technical, spraying a phage on a deli meat is called a food additive, while using it to heal people, is called a drug.
This last part is the funniest part for me. Its funny how semantics is what prevents people in the US to use the most effective drugs. I wonder what it would be called if I put the deli meat on my leg infection, food additive or drug? If we ingest the food additive it must be safe right? Well not necessarily. One of my first posts I talked about how shady the FDA is when I saw them answering questions on capitol hill. They were talking about how they allow beef to be sprayed with the same carbon monoxide that exits a cars exhaust. The same stuff that can kill you if you lock yourself in the garage and turn the engine on, is ok when its sprayed on our beef. But they admitted the don’t test it because semantically it falls in a category where no testing is required by law.
Check out the full article: